2020 Orinda Classic Car Show

Cars just need to be shown off--even in a pandemic!

On September 12, 2020, the Orinda Classic Car Tour was held in Orinda, California. The Tour included 130 cars with a range of model types manufactured from 1929 through 2018. The Orinda Classic Car Tour was in lieu of the Orinda Classic Car Show, which is celebrating its 16-year history, and was conducted observing safe health practices in light of COVID. 

Orinda Classic Car Tour Video

In addition to the photos below, the Live Steam of the event was originally a 2 ½ hour production and has been edited to 1 hour 20 minutes. It includes photos and background to all of the entries, drone and other footage of the cars en route, clips of famous car movies, and other items. The Live Tour was hosted by Steve Harwood, with color commentary provided by Jay Ward, Creative Director for the Pixar Cars franchise.

2020 Photos at start of car Tour

2020 Orinda Classic Car Show